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Покупки в Viator – A TripAdvisor Company (AU) с кэшбэком в Казахстане

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Время ожидания начисления кэшбэка
Кэшбэк появится в ожидании в течение 1 день
Кэшбэк будет зачислен на баланс в течение 90 до 150 дней после поездки
  • Cashback is not credited in case of using any voucher or discount code.
  • Cashback is not credited in case of using the store's mobile app.
  • Cashback is credited for completed tours only.
  • Canceled and/or refunded tours as well as virtual tours are not eligible for cashback.
  • Cashback is credited only for purchases made through viator.com website. No partner sites are allowed.
  • Any tours or experiences tracked to the Viator Travel Agent Programme are not eligible for cashback.
  • Any request regarding the lost/declined cashback can be submitted only once the travel date has passed. We would recommend submitting a request at least 15 days after the last travel date to make sure the transaction has had the time to pass through Viator's validation process.
  • When submitting a request regarding the lost/declined cashback, please provide us with the BR number (Booking Reference) or IT number (Itinerary Reference). Travelers are provided with those at the time of booking. Otherwise, the request will be declined.
  • Cashback is credited only for the net value of provided services excluding the value-added tax, all other taxes and fees as well as any additional costs.

You may lose your cashback if you have searched for other offers on price comparisons or similar websites. That's why we recommend that you delete cookies from your browser before clicking through from LetyShops to the store. More information can be found here.

Отзывы о Viator – A TripAdvisor Company (AU) (0)

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Поэтому публикуем отзывы только наших пользователей.
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Горящий кэшбэк
Время от времени у нас будет появляться горящий кэшбэк в разных магазинах! Найти его можно на главной странице LetyShops и в каталоге. Время для покупки и количество активаций ограничено – заглядывай чаще, чтобы не упустить!