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Acquista su Booking.com BR con cashback in Italia

(5.00) Valutazione generale del negozio
Recensioni su Booking.com BR (2)
Tempo di attesa per l’accredito del cashback
Il cashback appare con stato "In sospeso" entro 1 giorno
Il cashback è confermato ed accreditato entro 60 - 90 giorni
Informazioni e condizioni
1,00 USD
2 %
Cashback is not credited: 
- for paid taxes and hotel fees (they are usually stated apart);
- for the "Booking.basic" category (information about that can be found near the room price);
- in case of using Wizz Discount Club Card
- for cars rented via Booking (to receive cashback for that you have to go to the website via Rentalcars page).


  • Cashback cannot be combined with any kind of bonus or discount.
  • To qualify for cashback you must complete your purchase within the same session you start the purchase without exiting your browser. Opening a new tab or returning later will result in cashback not tracking.
  • Processing of lost orders occurs only if the following two screenshots are provided: a room reservation confirmation from your personal Booking account and a proof of payment, for which a bank statement or a hotel receipt can be used.
  • The room price after going to Booking.com from our website can differ slightly from the one displayed if visiting Booking directly. We recommend you to sign up or log in to your existing Booking account (if provided) to check the price.
  • The cashback amount credited to your account balance may vary from the amount displayed before. This is caused by the conversion of rates between the store's and your account's currencies.

You may lose your cashback if you have searched for other offers on price comparisons or similar websites. That's why we recommend that you delete cookies from your browser before clicking through from LetyShops to the store. More information can be found here.

Leggi di più

Recensioni su Booking.com BR (2)

(5.00) Valutazione generale del negozio
hotel molto buoni che consiglio
Questa recensione è stata tradotta dal portoghese mediante Google Translate.
Pedro Luiz

Ottimo, ho fatto diverse prenotazioni, lo consiglio.

Questa recensione è stata tradotta dal portoghese mediante Google Translate.
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