fino al 32,50 €
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Acquista su Auxmoney con cashback in Italia

(0.00) Valutazione generale del negozio
Tempo di attesa per l’accredito del cashback
Il cashback appare con stato "In sospeso" entro 1 giorno
Il cashback è confermato ed accreditato entro 60 - 90 giorni
Informazioni e condizioni
32,50 €
Qualified loan request
1 %
Loan conclusion by the private individual
0.25 %
Loan conclusion by the legal entity
Attention! Cashback is credited under the following conditions:
  • Qualified loan request - the prospective borrower receives a loan offer from auxmoney and therefore also cashback.
  • Loan conclusion by the private individual - cashback is credited as a corresponding percentage of the disbursed loan amount (initial loan financing).
  • Loan conclusion by the legal entity - cashback is credited as a corresponding percentage of the loan amount disbursed (initial loan financing).

Cashback is not credited in case of using any voucher or discount code.

Recensioni su Auxmoney (0)

(0.00) Valutazione generale del negozio
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Negozi simili con cashback
Acquista su Auxmoney con cashback fino a 32,50 €
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