El cashback se confirma y acredita en
- 120 días
Información y condiciones
5 %
Neukunde Kaffee
4.25 %
Neukunde Non-Food
4 %
Bestandkunde Kaffee
3.5 %
EUR 15
Abo Kaffee
For Mobile
Cashback is not credited for the following categories: travel, flowers, short-term partner special offers, gift cards and vouchers.
Cashback is not credited, if TchiboCard has been used.
Cashback is not credited in case of using the shop's mobile app.
Cashback is not credited for orders delivered to any Tchibo store.
Cashback is not credited for orders that are subsequently canceled or returned.
Multiple orders placed by a client in one day count as one order and are only reimbursed once.
Cashback for any purchase is credited, if only a product has been placed to the shopping cart after cashback activation. Cashback is not credited if shopping cart has been filled before cashback activation.
Estuviste cerca de obtener un aumento de tu cashback pero para esta tienda ya no está disponible. Es posible que en el futuro vuelva a estar disponible, pero por el momento puedes buscar ofertas similares en otras tiendas.
Mejores ofertas!
¡Busque un Cashback más alto en nuestro catálogo! Todas las ofertas son limitadas en número y tiempo, no pierdas esta oportunidad.