When you make purchases with Hot cashback, all products from the same category are counted as one order, even if they were ordered separately. If products belong to different categories, each product is considered a separate order, even if they were ordered together. Please note that increased cashback can be applied to the first orders that appear in the store's system.
Here are links to subscriptions for which you can get cashback:
Cashback are not credited:
Check the Terms and conditions before making your purchase with cashback at Amazon PL:
Cashback not working again, reinstalled extensions, rebooted PC, all other extensions, ad blocker off!
Good day!
We want to understand in more detail.
Next time, please record a video of the purchase and submit it in the "Help" section. This will help us in finding the reason for the loss of cashback.
Another purchase, another unaccrued cashback. I did everything according to the regulations and I have no refund. I do not recommend.
Good morning!
Cashback appears based on information from partners. If it did not appear, it means that something had an impact on it.
We see that our specialist contacted you about this matter but did not receive an answer:(
next purchases and execution according to instructions... and another discount was not calculated. I do not recommend, time to change the application in which there is no problem with the return.
Good morning!
There are various factors that can affect the appearance of cashback, such as violating store rules or cashback shopping policies.
We see that our specialist contacted you, but unfortunately did not receive a recording of the purchasing process to check why the return was lost.
We hope that if this happens again, the aforementioned recording will be sent because we really want to help.
I received advice from a consultant to regularly clean cash and indeed after the first purchase a refund was calculated. Unfortunately, each subsequent large purchase (with a promotional refund) is not calculated anymore… and you can't even complain… I honestly do not recommend it!
Good morning!
There are various factors that can affect the appearance of cashback, such as a violation of the rules for making purchases with cashback. The amount of the purchase/refund does not affect this.
We see that our specialist contacted you, sent you instructions that may help you obtain a refund, and calculated the bonus.
We hope the problem will not happen again:)