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Purchases at Allo UA with cashback in India

(2.74) Average rating of the store
Reviews on Allo UA (149)
Waiting time for crediting cashback
Cashback will appear in your account with "Pending" status within 1 day
Cashback is confirmed and credited within 30 - 70 days
Information and conditions
0.5 %
Бренди Apple та Samsung у категоріях Смартфони / Мобільні телефони / Смарт Годинники / Планшети / Ноутбуки / Навушники
1.5 %
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Кешбек не нараховується за:

  • придбання подарункового сертифіката, скретч-картки поповнення рахунку, стартових пакетів та при використанні балів Fishka;
  • замовлення, зроблені в мобільному додатку Allo UA;
  • передзамовлення;
  • замовлення юридичних осіб;
  • замовлення, оплачені банківською карткою в період акції “Знижка 5% при оплаті карткою”;
  • за замовлення, оплачені карткою з функцією кешбеку (наприклад, Монобанк, ПриватБанк тощо). Ця умова діє на період промо Allo UA і даних банків;
  • замовлення з промокодами, не опублікованими на сайті LetyShops.


  • Кешбек може бути нарахований тільки одному партнеру Allo UA (або LetyShops, або Fishka тощо).
  • Для успішного нарахування кешбеку необхідно робити перехід з LetyShops перед кожним замовленням. 1 перехід - 1 замовлення.
  • При оплаті подарунковим сертифікатом або внутрішніми балами, кешбек буде нарахований від фактичної суми оплати.
  • Кешбек нараховується тільки за замовлення з регіонів, в які магазин доставляє замовлення.
  • Під час підтвердження замовлень буде відбуватись перерахунок кешбеку відповідно до брендів Apple та Samsung.

Reviews on Allo UA (149)

(2.74) Average rating of the store
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We want the feedback to be helpful to people who buy with the cashback in Letyshops.
Therefore, we publish only our customers' reviews.

Cashback is often lost. And this has been going on for a long time. I want my partner to pay attention.

The review was translated from Ukrainian using Google Translate. Show original Show translation


Allo orders are recorded in our system. Cashback may not appear due to a violation of the purchase algorithm. Errors in data transmission are also possible. To resolve the issue, you can always apply for cashback in the personal account.
Please follow our recommendations when ordering.

The LetyShops team

The review was translated from Ukrainian using Google Translate.
Dmitro Zaharchenko

received a cashback for a purchase for exactly UAH 399, after bonuses. Cashback in percentage is obtained as increased in other stores

The review was translated from Russian using Google Translate. Show original Show translation
Be careful, when ordering in a store, there is a chance that you will not receive the order, because often the goods are not in stock. In Allo, promotions and the best discounts are held more often.
The review was translated from Russian using Google Translate. Show original Show translation

Be careful. For orders up to 400 hryvnia, it does not charge cashback at all! Only after the purchase of the activation of the cashback on the site and the purchase itself, it became clear. It is unpleasant to contemplate such nuances from Letishops

The review was translated from Russian using Google Translate. Show original Show translation

Good day!

Cashback is not credited for orders, the amount of which is less than UAH 399. The information is available on the page to go to the store so that users can familiarize themselves before making a purchase. These are the conditions for cooperation with partners.

LetyShops team

The review was translated from Russian using Google Translate.

ALLO constantly re-creates the order again so as not to pay partners, and, accordingly, cashback buyers. Last year I bought a gyroboard for 9999, the cashback was rejected as unconfirmed. In my presence, it seems, a new order was reissued, under the guise of creating a Fishka account.

The review was translated from Russian using Google Translate. Show original Show translation

Good day!

Allo has established itself as a responsible partner. We do not record massive cases of re-registration of purchases.
If such situations arise, our care service is always ready to help :)

LetyShops team

The review was translated from Russian using Google Translate.

Terrible shop! Cashback did not count! The washing machine (UAH 17,000) arrived with a defect, sent back and no money, no machine! We have been waiting for 3 weeks! I do not recommend this sharashkin office to anyone!

The review was translated from Ukrainian using Google Translate. Show original Show translation

Eugene, good afternoon!

A request has now been sent to the store to find out the reason for the loss of cashback. To track status and results, expand the application field in the personal account.
Affiliates may refuse to pay the commission if the purchase has been returned.

The LetyShops team

The review was translated from Ukrainian using Google Translate.
Alexander Yaroshenko

cashback did not appear at all, and now wait 4 months until letishops find something. first encountered this ... I do not recommend hello

The review was translated from Russian using Google Translate. Show original Show translation

Good day!

Alexander, we have already sent a request to partners to establish the reasons for losing cashback. 4 months is the maximum waiting period. Most applications are processed earlier :) We will do our best to get the cashback back.

LetyShops team

The review was translated from Russian using Google Translate.

Cashback is charged (UAH 15 for the purchase of UAH 400). Confirmed fairly quickly, within 2 weeks. I am very pleased with the purchase and service of ALLO (the order came to the store in less than a day), thank you Letichops for the good work and look forward to withdrawing their funds))

The review was translated from Ukrainian using Google Translate. Show original Show translation


Thank you very much for the detailed comment :)
It will be useful to other users.

The LetyShops team

The review was translated from Ukrainian using Google Translate.
cashback came on time, and Allo always has a high% of cashback. Super, so far satisfied with the service and the work of the Allo store as well
The review was translated from Russian using Google Translate. Show original Show translation

Another scam from Letishops and now Allo's store, placed two orders on the same day, observing all the terms and conditions, as soon as the order received, an immediate response came from Letishops that the cashback for two orders was rejected! I would have known that I would have to waste time once again, knock out my honestly earned cashback, I would buy it in another store at a lower price without any scam with cashbacks.

The review was translated from Russian using Google Translate. Show original Show translation

Good day!

Yuri, we are sad to receive such a feedback from you - a regular user of the service :(
Yes, the cashback was rejected during data reconciliation. The reason may be an error during data transfer or a violation of the purchase algorithm.
Thank you for your willingness to assist in contacting us. We will do our best to resolve the issue.

LetyShops team

The review was translated from Russian using Google Translate.
Константин Сюкол

Cashback came immediately, in general, I am satisfied with the work of the store, sometimes they please with free shipping

The review was translated from Russian using Google Translate. Show original Show translation
Cashback is small, but paid
The review was translated from Russian using Google Translate. Show original Show translation
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You’re a bit late unfortunately :(
All cashback boosts for this store have been used already. Perhaps they will appear again later. But you still can find such boosts in other stores.
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