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Purchases at Allo UA with cashback in India

(2.74) Average rating of the store
Reviews on Allo UA (149)
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Cashback will appear in your account with "Pending" status within 1 day
Cashback is confirmed and credited within 30 - 70 days
Information and conditions
0.5 %
Бренди Apple та Samsung у категоріях Смартфони / Мобільні телефони / Смарт Годинники / Планшети / Ноутбуки / Навушники
1.5 %
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Кешбек не нараховується за:

  • придбання подарункового сертифіката, скретч-картки поповнення рахунку, стартових пакетів та при використанні балів Fishka;
  • замовлення, зроблені в мобільному додатку Allo UA;
  • передзамовлення;
  • замовлення юридичних осіб;
  • замовлення, оплачені банківською карткою в період акції “Знижка 5% при оплаті карткою”;
  • за замовлення, оплачені карткою з функцією кешбеку (наприклад, Монобанк, ПриватБанк тощо). Ця умова діє на період промо Allo UA і даних банків;
  • замовлення з промокодами, не опублікованими на сайті LetyShops.


  • Кешбек може бути нарахований тільки одному партнеру Allo UA (або LetyShops, або Fishka тощо).
  • Для успішного нарахування кешбеку необхідно робити перехід з LetyShops перед кожним замовленням. 1 перехід - 1 замовлення.
  • При оплаті подарунковим сертифікатом або внутрішніми балами, кешбек буде нарахований від фактичної суми оплати.
  • Кешбек нараховується тільки за замовлення з регіонів, в які магазин доставляє замовлення.
  • Під час підтвердження замовлень буде відбуватись перерахунок кешбеку відповідно до брендів Apple та Samsung.

Reviews on Allo UA (149)

(2.74) Average rating of the store
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I do not advise you to order from Allo through letyshops! You will not see cashback from the store! In the terms of accrual, it is indicated that points are accrued either on a chip or in Lettyshops. OK. I reread the comments about this store, as if everything became clear. When placing the order, the chip card was not used, but when paying in the store, the consultant asked about the chip card, to which I was told that I did not want to use it and emphasized once again that the chip card should not be used. The consultant replied that he did not use it, only the points on the chip card came. The store does not meet the conditions for providing cashback. The consultant replied to the appeal to Letishops that the terms of the order had not been met. Such partners spoil the impression of letyshops itself. However, letishops does not respond to comments from customers.

The review was translated from Ukrainian using Google Translate. Show original Show translation

Good day.

We apologize for the inconvenience. The information described by you in your feedback has been forwarded to our specialists for detailed consideration and taking appropriate measures to improve the quality of our work.

We immediately inform you that you will be charged cashback for this order.

Sincerely, Allo company

The review was translated from Ukrainian using Google Translate.

On September 20, 2023, we placed an order through the desktop version of the ALLO website. Order No.: 302387907, Delivery method: Self-delivery from the ALLO store (no cost), Payment method: Payment by bank card on-line When placing an order, a notification is displayed in a frame with an exclamation mark: “Pressingly “Confirm your order”, you confirm that you have given and obsessive agreement entered correctly. In order to collect the agreement, the owner is responsible for giving his passport.” However, when receiving the order, we were faced with a situation that the ALLO company could not solve: in order to receive a product that had already been fully paid for (which essentially already belongs to the client and the mission of the ALLO company is simply to issue it), it is mandatory to go through SMS identification by receiving a mobile SMS to a physical phone number and providing employees with the code from this SMS - ONLY THIS way and not otherwise. The client is not notified of this fact in any way during the ordering process and in messages on Viber and by email - this will be a “surprise” when the order is issued at the pickup point. It is worth noting that logging into your personal account on the site, confirming the order, writing off bonuses and informing took place through Viber notifications. Since there were problems with the physical phone number and it is out of the network, when contacting the ALLO store with a passport and the ability to access Viber, its employees refused to issue a fully paid item WITHOUT PROVIDING THE CODE FROM SMS, which we physically cannot receive due to the above fact . They left the store with nothing. Wasted time going to the store to pick up an order turned out to be only a small part in further proceedings with employees of the ALLO company through a chatbot in Viber. They immediately promised to help and resolve the situation. They said they would contact me. But then no answer - no hello. The next day they contacted us again via chatbot. After a long correspondence and waiting, we were informed that we can receive our order ONLY VIA SMS IDENTIFICATION and no other way. The passport is not quoted, other options are not considered. Dead end! The result was the cancellation of the order. In the process of communicating about this situation with ALLO employees in the Viber chatbot, it became clear that the company had launched a bureaucratic mode of working with clients, did not consider an individual approach and was not looking for ways to solve new problems, including non-standard ones that arose with us. The algorithm of the system in ALLO exceeds reputational losses and customer losses. Moreover, it was surprising that with such a link to strict SMS IDENTIFICATION, the ALLO company placed itself next in line with the state-owned Oschad-Struktor. We hope that our sad experience and its long description will help someone avoid a similar problem and save time and nerves. We can no longer recommend ALLO as a customer-oriented company.

The review was translated from Ukrainian using Google Translate. Show original Show translation

Good day.

We apologize for the inconvenience. We will contact you by phone.

Sincerely, Allo company

The review was translated from Ukrainian using Google Translate.

I made the order from letishop, there is a chip by the number, the cashier pulled up the chip on their own (although she stressed that the chip should not be used) and points were immediately credited to it. The settlement check never came in electronic form, I called to have it sent, they sent what they called a "scan", but in fact they took a photo and cut it along the contour of the check, so that it is completely unreadable.

The review was translated from Ukrainian using Google Translate. Show original Show translation

Good day.

We apologize for the inconvenience. We will contact you by phone.

Sincerely, Allo company

The review was translated from Ukrainian using Google Translate.
A month later, the cashback was credited. Pleasantly surprised!!! Regarding the store, the service is excellent, the prices for the goods are competitive. I will buy more. thank you
The review was translated from Ukrainian using Google Translate. Show original Show translation

Such a store. In the rules, it is written either cashback is summer or a chip. OK. in the summer, the percentage is higher, but at the cash register they asked for a chip. And oops, instead of a bigger cashback, the chip gave pennies. Keep in mind

The review was translated from Ukrainian using Google Translate. Show original Show translation

Thanks to the LetyShops team. Previously, I wrote a review about not receiving increased cashback. All issues were quickly resolved and cashback was credited. It is very nice when you are understood, so I sincerely thank you for your attentiveness and care for the client. Everyone have a good day and a peaceful sky.

The review was translated from Ukrainian using Google Translate. Show original Show translation

Good day!

Thank you for such a sincere review.

Glad to work for you :)

The LetyShops team

The review was translated from Ukrainian using Google Translate.
I bought household appliances, came across an increased cashback. Everything worked fine. Cashback was credited after a month.
The review was translated from Ukrainian using Google Translate. Show original Show translation

Went to the store website from letyshops.com. Cashback did not appear automatically. When the amount is not large, there are no problems, it appears immediately. And when the amount is more than UAH 500, the store starts to "surprise". Regardless of the support of letyshops, the store would have ignored the cashback. Thanks to the letyshops team for sorting out the situation - you are always the best.

The review was translated from Ukrainian using Google Translate. Show original Show translation

Good day!

Maxim, thank you for the kind words :)
Regarding the store. We cooperate only with proven and reliable partners.
The amount of the purchase does not affect the recording of information in the service, because this process is automatic. Cashback could be lost due to an incorrect checkout algorithm or by mistake. A request has been sent to partners.

We believe that the manager's recommendations in applying to the care service will help when making future purchases.

The LetyShops team

The review was translated from Ukrainian using Google Translate.
The review was translated from Ukrainian using Google Translate. Show original Show translation
Anna Bailey

Everything went well, I received a very good cashback!

The review was translated from Ukrainian using Google Translate. Show original Show translation
Semmi Shielt
The cashback was calculated a little late (I had to look for it). The goods were collected from the store, paid in cash.
The review was translated from Ukrainian using Google Translate. Show original Show translation
Алексей Виноградов
Cashback was credited with a slight delay (I had to look for it). The goods were picked up at the store, paid in cash.
The review was translated from Russian using Google Translate. Show original Show translation
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You’re a bit late unfortunately :(
All cashback boosts for this store have been used already. Perhaps they will appear again later. But you still can find such boosts in other stores.
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