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bis zu 5 %
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Bei Amazon México mit Cashback einkaufen

(3.92) Durchschnittliche Bewertung des Shops
Wartezeit, bis der Cashback gutgeschrieben wird
Cashback erscheint mit dem Status "Offen" innerhalb von 15 Tagen
Cashback-Bestätigung innerhalb von 50 - 150 Tagen
Informationen & Bedingungen
5 %
Clothes and Accessories, Baby, Beauty, Personal Care, Music, Books, Shoes
4.5 %
4 %
Automotive, Wines and Spirits, Luggage, Digital Books, Furniture, Gift Cards, Food, Handmade, Home, Home Improvement, Jewelry, Kitchen, Garden, Home Appliances, Office Products, Personal Care Electronics, Pets, Sports, Tires, Tools, Toys
3.5 %
Cell Phones and Mobile Accessories, Audio, Outdoors
2.5 %
Computers, Video Games, TV and Home Entertainment, Musical Instruments, Camera, Software, Movies
4 %
All other products
Only purchases made in the product categories mentioned will be eligible for cashback. Cashback is credited only for orders made from Mexico.
  • Cashback is credited if a click-through to the store is made by pressing the "Go to store" button on this page. Such a click-through is used to let the stores know that you came from our service and it is the main condition to receive your cashback. If you do not make a click-through from our service to the store, we do not receive the reward. You can see all your click-throughs under the "My cashback" section: HERE
  • If you make your purchase through the app, the cashback should appear as “Pending” within 1-4 days.
  • Cashback is NOT credited for Kindle e-books.
  • Cashback is NOT credited for purchasing a gift card.
  • Cashback is NOT credited for purchases made with gift cards.
  • Cashback is credited for the actual total amount paid, and is NOT credited for the value spent from your Amazon balance or bonuses applied.
The maximum cashback for any order under the "TV and Home Entertainment, Computer and Video Games" category is $400 MXN, while for the rest of the categories it is $250 MXN.

Check the Terms and conditions before making your purchase with cashback at Amazon Mexico:

  • The LetyShops user can log in and access only one Amazon Mexico account after being redirected to Amazon Mexico from LetyShops. The fact of accessing with more than one account will be considered a fraudulent activity that will lead to the cancellation of the user's LetyShops account.
  • The cashback will be credited to the value of the order without shipping charges or taxes purchased in Amazon Mexico.
  • Cashback is credited for purchases on the Amazon Mexico website, mobile website and application.
  • To get cashback for your order, you have to add products to your cart / wish list only after being redirected to the Amazon Mexico site from the Letyshops website or application.
  • The right to change commissions by category is reserved by the store.
  • Amazon MX store sends us information about each product separately, i.e., each item can be displayed as a separate cashback in the personal LetyShops account.
  • LetyShops Amazon MX campaign does not accept missing cashback requests.
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