When you make purchases with Hot cashback, all products from the same category are counted as one order, even if they were ordered separately. If products belong to different categories, each product is considered a separate order, even if they were ordered together. Please note that increased cashback can be applied to the first orders that appear in the store's system.
Here are links to subscriptions for which you can get cashback:
Cashback are not credited:
Check the Terms and conditions before making your purchase with cashback at Amazon PL:
compras realizadas hace 4 días, sin reembolso. Primera vez comprando en Amazon y albóndiga ;-(
¡Buen día!
El reembolso aparece en función de la información de los socios. Si no aparece, significa que algo influyó.
Vemos que nuestro especialista ha intentado contactar con usted por correo electrónico varias veces con respecto a este asunto, pero no ha recibido respuesta :(