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Achats avec cashback chez Startselect DE en Suisse

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Délai d’attente pour créditer le cashback
Le cashback apparaîtra sur votre compte avec le statut "En attente" dans 1 jour
Le cashback est confirmé et sera crédité pendant 60 - 90 jours après le paiement
Informations et conditions
3.5 %
For a new client: PC games
2.5 %
For a new client: 11Teamsports, ABOUT YOU, Adidas, Atento, Baby-Walz, Bigpoint, Blacksocks, Blizzard, Blume 2000, BookBeat, Center Parcs, DAZN gift cards, Deezer, Fleurop, Floraprima, Freenet, Gourmetfleisch, Guild Wars 2 Gift Card, HBO gift cards, Hawesko, IMVU, Jacques Wein-Deport, Jochen Schweizer, Kobo, Lindt, Microsoft Store Gift Card, Nintendo, Norton, Origin gift cards, Playstation, RTL+ Gift Cards, Readly, Reebok, Roblox, Runescape, Sennheiser, Settlers Online, Sixt, Spotify, WOW series, Waipu, Xbox, Zalando
2 %
For a new client: Apple iTunes , Best Western, Disney Plus, Fallback, Flixbus, Footlocker, Google, IKEA, Just Eat, Karma Koin, Lebara, Netflix, Pizza Hut, Primark, Rituals, Rossmann, SHARE NOW Gift Card, Startselect bundle, TK Maxx, eLearngift
1.5 %
For a new client: Airbnb, CDA Premium, Dekuple, Deliveroo, Disneyland Paris, DoorDash, Eurosport, H&M, MediaMarkt, Movistar Lite, Nexway, Riot Games, Ticketmaster, TripGift, Twitch Gift Card, Uber, bol
1.5 %
For an existing client: 11Teamsports, ABOUT YOU, Adidas, Atento, Baby-Walz, Best Western, Blacksocks, Blume 2000, BookBeat, Center Parcs, Disney Plus, Fleurop, Flixbus, Floraprima, Footlocker, Freenet, Gourmetfleisch, Guild Wars 2 Gift Card, Hawesko, IKEA, IMVU, Jacques Wein-Deport, Jochen Schweizer, Just Eat, Karma Koin, Lebara, Lindt, Microsoft Store Gift Card, NordVPN, Pizza Hut, Primark, RTL+ Gift Cards, Readly, Reebok, Rituals, Rossmann, SHARE NOW Gift Card, Sennheiser, Sixt, TK Maxx, Tinder, Zalando, eLearngift
1 %
For an existing client: Airbnb, CDA Premium, Dekuple, Deliveroo, Disneyland Paris, DoorDash, Eurosport, H&M, MediaMarkt, Movistar Lite, Nexway, Riot Games, Ticketmaster, TripGift, Twitch Gift Card, Uber, WOW series, bol, STEAM Gift card, Amazon
1 %
For a new client: Amazon, STEAM Gift Card
  • Cashback is not credited in case of using coupons, vouchers or promotional codes of any kind not published on the LetyShops website.
  • Cashback is credited only for the net value of provided services excluding the value-added tax, all other taxes and fees as well as any additional costs.
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