jusqu’à 5 %
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Achats avec cashback chez Amazon PL en Canada

(3.39) Évaluation générale du magasin
Délai d’attente pour créditer le cashback
Le cashback apparaîtra sur votre compte avec le statut "En attente" dans 3 jours
Le cashback est confirmé et sera crédité pendant 60 - 100 jours
Informations et conditions
5 %
Clothing, Footwear, Jewelry, Watches, Luggage, Amazon Fashion - Women, Men and Children, Private Label
5 %
Amazon devices: Kindle and Echo devices; Fire tablet accessories
4 %
Home, Books, Kindle E-Books, Music, Musical Instruments, Kitchen, Toys, DIY (Home Improvement), DVD and Blu-ray, Software, Food and Beverage, Digital Video Games, Business, Industry and Science, Handmade, Sports and Tourism, Stationery and Office Supplies, Baby and Children's Supplies, Groceries, Pet Supplies, Garden Supplies, Beauty
2.5 %
Home Entertainment Devices (Home Entertainment), Smartphones and Mobile Phones, Computers, Electronics, Video, Games, Cameras, Digital Software and all other product categories
0.5 %
Video Game Consoles
2,50 PLN
Prime Free, Prime Day, Prime Video Free Trial subscription (links to subscriptions see below)
Cashback will appear within 72 Hours after your order has been shipped. Your pending cashback will reflect as 0 PLN right after order placement. Please await 72 hours after your order is dispatched/shipped to see the true cashback in your LetyShops Account.

When you make purchases with Hot cashback, all products from the same category are counted as one order, even if they were ordered separately. If products belong to different categories, each product is considered a separate order, even if they were ordered together. Please note that increased cashback can be applied to the first orders that appear in the store's system.

Amazon PL Campaign does not accept missing/untracked orders queries.

Here are links to subscriptions for which you can get cashback:

Cashback are not credited:

  • coupons, vouchers or promotional codes of any kind not published on the LetyShops website;
  • on free Kindle e-books;
  • Amazon gift cards.

Check the Terms and conditions before making your purchase with cashback at Amazon PL:

  • The LetyShops user can log in and access only one Amazon PL account after being redirected to Amazon PL from LetyShops. The fact of accessing with more than one account will be considered a fraudulent activity that will lead to the cancellation of the user's LetyShops account.
  • Add Products to your cart/wishlist only after redirecting from LetyShops website or LetyShops App. Do not click or visit any other website/app after redirecting from LetyShops - this will break tracking of your order and Rewards will not be credited.
  • The cashback will be credited to the value of the order without shipping charges or taxes purchased in Amazon Poland.
  • Cashback is credited for purchases on the Amazon Poland website, mobile website and application.
  • To credit the cashback of your order, it is important that you add products to your cart / wish list only after being redirected to the Amazon PL site from the Letyshops website or application.
  • The right to change commissions by category is reserved.
  • Separate orders from the same category with identical order value made within the same date will track as 1 (one) order! For example, a user orders dress and shoes worth 100 PLN each, in the personal LetyShops account the user will see 1 order with total order value of 200 PLN. At the same time, each item purchased is registered by Amazon PL as a separate order. That means that two, three, four etc. items from different categories purchased during one session will be shown as two, three, four etc. separate orders in a user's personal account with LetyShops.


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(3.39) Évaluation générale du magasin
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Tous les bonus de cashback pour ce magasin ont déjà été utilisés. Ils réapparaîtront peut-être plus tard. Mais vous pouvez toujours en trouver dans d’autres magasins.
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