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jusqu’à 15,00 €
de cashback
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Achats avec cashback chez OTTO en Belgique

(3.27) Évaluation générale du magasin
Délai d’attente pour créditer le cashback
Le cashback apparaîtra sur votre compte avec le statut "En attente" dans 5 jours
Le cashback est confirmé et sera crédité pendant 60 - 180 jours
Informations et conditions
4,00 €
new customers: for valid orders with a net value from 30€ to 150€ after deduction of possibly applied vouchers and discounts
6,00 €
new customers: for valid orders with a net value from 150.01€ to 300€ after deduction of possibly applied vouchers and discounts
8,00 €
new customers: for valid orders with a net value from 300.01€ to 450€ after deduction of possibly applied vouchers and discounts
10,00 €
new customers: for valid orders with a net value from 450.01€ to 650€ after deduction of possibly applied vouchers and discounts
15,00 €
new customers: for valid orders with a net value from 650.01€ after deduction of possibly applied vouchers and discounts
2,00 €
existing customers: for valid orders with a net value from 30€ to 150€ after deduction of possibly applied vouchers and discounts
3,00 €
existing customers: for valid orders with a net value from 150.01€ to 300€ after deduction of possibly applied vouchers and discounts
4,00 €
existing customers: for valid orders with a net value from 300.01€ to 450€ after deduction of possibly applied vouchers and discounts
5,00 €
existing customers: for valid orders with a net value from 450.01€ to 650€ after deduction of possibly applied vouchers and discounts
6,00 €
existing customers: for valid orders with a net value from 650.01€ after deduction of possibly applied vouchers and discounts
Attention! It may take up to 5 days for cashback for your order made on OTTO to appear in your account with "Pending" status.

The following are excluded from cashback: 
· Orders with an order value of less than € 30.01 (net) value of goods minus shipping costs 
· Orders that were not placed through LetyShops 
· Orders that are returned or canceled 
· Orders that are processed or canceled by telephone with an OTTO customer advisor 
· Purchase orders that contain books that are subject to fixed book prices 
· Orders from customers entitled to commission who already regularly and / or automatically receive a monetary benefit from OTTO 
· Orders from bulk buyers, co-buyers and friendship buyers 
· Orders from employees of the Otto Group and pensioners of the OTTO Group 
· Orders for gift or goods vouchers 
· Commercial orders 
Additional conditions: 
· Cashback can only be collected if a user account has been created and the customer logged on to the OTTO website via LetyShops 
· After clicking to the shop via the LetyShops website, the purchase must be completed directly, otherwise no cashback will be paid out 
· When using the LetyShops app and then using the OTTO app, no cashback is recorded 
· Default browser settings: Ad blockers must be deactivated in order to collect cashback. Cookies must be accepted. Anonymization settings in the browser must be deactivated 
· In the case of returns, the cashback amount is adjusted to the final purchase price 
· It can take up to 180 days for the cashback to be confirmed in the user account 
· Subsequent processing of postings or cancellations is not possible 
· OTTO reserves the right to cancel the cashback for deliveries that could not be made after 3 months 
· Multiple cashback offers from different cashback portals cannot be combined

· Cashback is credited only for the net value of provided services excluding the value-added tax, all other taxes and fees as well as any additional costs.

En savoir plus
Magasins analogues avec cashback

L'application mobile Letyshops

Faites vos achats en ligne avec du cashback via votre téléphone.
