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Compras con cashback en PcComponentes PT en Argentina

(5.00) Evaluación general de la tienda
Tiempo de espera de acreditación del cashback
El cashback aparece como "Pendiente" en 1 día
El cashback se confirma y acredita en 60 - 90 días
Información y condiciones
3.5 %
Cables, Consumibles
2.5 %
Electro hogar
2 %
Accesorios electronica
1.75 %
1 %
0.75 %
Audio/Foto/Vídeo, Componentes, Periféricos, Smarthome, Tablets PC
0.5 %
0.35 %
Consolas/Gaming, Smartphones/Gps
  • It may take up to 2 days for cashback for your order made on PCcomponentes to appear in your account with "Pending" status.
  • Since PcComponentes is a marketplace cashback is not credited for purchases made from third parties different from PcComponentes.
  • Cashback is not credited in case of using any third-party voucher or discount code.
  • Cashback is not credited for any goods bought on credit.
  • Cashback is credited only for B2C orders. That means that cashback is not credited for any order made by any authorities, companies or any other public or private organizations.
  • Cashback is not credited for orders containing more than 3 items of the same product or which may be considered fraudulent.
  • Please be advised to accept cookies on the store's website for your order to be tracked properly. Otherwise cashback for an order may get lost.
  • According to the PCcomponentes terms and conditions, if cashback for your order has not been added to your account with "Pending" status, you should create a corresponding request in your LetyShops account within 2 months after the purchase has been made.
  • Cashback is credited only for the article's net value excluding the value-added tax, all other taxes and fees and the additional costs for delivery and shipping.
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