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  • Reino Unido
  • Republica Checa
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Compras con cashback en HRS DE & AT en EE.UU.

(1.00) Evaluación general de la tienda
Opinión sobre HRS DE & AT (1)
Tiempo de espera de acreditación del cashback
El cashback aparece como "Pendiente" en 1 día
El cashback se confirma y acredita en 60 - 90 días después del viaje
  • The amount of cashback depends on the category of goods and can range up to 3%.
  • Please be advised to accept cookies on the store's website for your order to be tracked properly. Otherwise cashback for an order may get lost.
  • Cashback is not credited, if the customer cancels the order or does not arrive (no show).
  • Cashback is not credited for a gift card purchase.
  • Cashback is not credited if a gift card is redeemed.
  • Cashback is credited only for the net value of provided services excluding the value-added tax, all other taxes and fees as well as any additional costs.
  • The amount of cashback credited to your account balance may differ from the amount previously displayed. This is due to the difference in exchange rates between the store operating currency and your account currency, as well as the deduction of VAT and any other applicable fees from the amount shown as "Pending".

You may lose your cashback if you have searched for other offers on price comparisons or similar websites. That's why we recommend that you delete cookies from your browser before clicking through from LetyShops to the store. More information can be found here.

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Opinión sobre HRS DE & AT (1)

(1.00) Evaluación general de la tienda
Lukas Börm

Todos los reembolsos fueron rechazados porque supuestamente pedí el producto equivocado.

El comentario fue traducido del alemán usando Google Translate.

Buenos días,

Para comprender la situación, creamos una solicitud. Puede responder a la solicitud a través de su cuenta (sección "Ayuda"). Estamos esperando.

Con los mejores deseos
El equipo de Letyshop

El comentario fue traducido del alemán usando Google Translate.
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