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Purchases at Фокстрот UA with cashback in Netherlands

(3.59) Average rating of the store
Reviews on Фокстрот UA (240)
Waiting time for crediting cashback
Cashback will appear in your account with "Pending" status within 1 day
Cashback is confirmed and credited within 30 - 80 days
Information and conditions
1.5 %
Побутова техніка та аксесуари
1 %
Електроніка, Аудіо, Відео
0.5 %
Все інше
Важливо! В період дії підвищення ("Гарячого кешбеку") кешбек за товари брендів Apple / Samsung / Xiaomi у категоріях Смартфони / Мобільні телефони / Смарт-годинники / Фітнес-браслети / Планшети буде нарахований по стандартній ставці 0.5%.
Кешбек не нараховується за замовлення:
- оплачені карткою Monobank (в період промо Фокстрот UA і цього банку, в такому випадку кешбек виплачується тільки на стороні банку);
- створені співробітниками контактного центру та співробітниками Фокстрот UA;
- в які вносились зміни після оформлення (спосіб оплати, доставки тощо).

Кешбек нараховується тільки за замовлення з регіонів, в які магазин доставляє замовлення.

Reviews on Фокстрот UA (240)

(3.59) Average rating of the store
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We want the feedback to be helpful to people who buy with the cashback in Letyshops.
Therefore, we publish only our customers' reviews.
Александр Лосинец

I placed an order for a burning cashback, plus I used a promotional installment plan. But due to the fact that they could not deliver the order on time, they offered to cancel it and re-issue it for a new date. Naturally losing all of the above benefits. I refused, arguing that it was not profitable for me, let them deliver the already placed order, but on a late date, but they said that it was impossible. I just abandoned the order and am not going to buy anything here again. It looks like it’s not a divorce from Foxtrot, when it’s not profitable for them to sell a product on which they don’t make money, they simply throw the client away.

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Good day!

Alexander, we are sorry that this happened with the order :(
We hope your future purchases will be successful.

LetyShops team

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Good shop. I bought a TV set - the cash was calculated and paid. Pretty amount)))
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Константин Сюкол

The store deleted the order twice and executed it on the third. Naturally, after such manipulations, I did not receive a cashback for my order. But maybe someone else got it ... I'm not the first one to leave a comment here about such a problem with this store. I created an application, the administration of lety shops wrote to the store, let's see what happens

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Good day!

Konstantin, we will do our best to get the cashback back :)

LetyShops team

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Quickly paid cashback, including an increased
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Алексей Чумак

Foxtot after the increased cashback, bonuses for the new year and for the quality of service respected. Fly - a special thank you. I did everything according to the instructions and requirements of the stores - cashback was always credited without problems.

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Good day!

Alexey, thank you for sharing your impressions :) Good shopping!

LetyShops team

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I ordered an iPhone for 11.11, there was an increased cashback of 10%, a maximum of UAH 800. I was worried because there were negative reviews, that orders are canceled, the goods are then not available, or they simply did not receive cashback. But everything went just superb. Although the iPhone was available in black, only one in Kiev. I specially installed a new browser and made a purchase through it. At the same time, she was still able to use the foxtrot bonuses. I paid upon receipt of the goods. Cashback after the order was immediately displayed. Confirmed one month after receiving the order. Quickly withdrawn to a bank account. Thank you very much Foxtrot and LetiShops!

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Thank you for sharing your experience of placing an order with the service!
Congratulations on a great purchase :)

LetyShops team

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Yulia Goncharova
I ordered 2 times: once there was a heater and a regular cashback - they added it without problems, the second time with an increased cashback on the Gorenie stove, they also added an increased cashback and a separate cashback for the goods of this company. Thanks!
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Евгения Полянская-Важина

I faced the same situation regarding the monobank card, there was no information before. I do not understand about the part of the cashback on the side of the bank - nonsense. It seems to me that such restrictions should be very clear, as for me when ordering they were not !!! In the extension, there was no warning. Ideally, they would write from what date the innovation is.

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Good day!

Evgeniya, we cooperate with more than 2000 stores. Each partner has different conditions that are posted on the page when they go. If they are observed, we receive a commission from the store for the user's order. Information about cashback accrual may change, so it is important to familiarize yourself with it before making a purchase.

When you activate our extension, the basic conditions are displayed.

We believe that the recommendations will be useful when making future orders.

LetyShops team

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I bought a coffee machine for Black Friday on November 27 at Foxtrot, Letishops promised to charge a higher coefficient, but no more than UAH 800. On December 29, they appeared in my account, while the store itself charged 880 bonuses for the purchase, which can be used to pay 100%. I am very satisfied. Thanks!

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Anton Kh
I took a vacuum cleaner with an increased cashback for Black Friday. A month later I received it somewhere. Not fast, but not scary :) Thank you Letishops and the foxtrot store!
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Roma Ruzich
I took a kettle on Black Friday with an increased cashback. There was an epic with the sending of goods through the "New mail". Only after two weeks and two calls, the store's support service was sent. True, the goods came. The increased cashback has already been credited.
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I read the reviews, even doubted that I would be lucky. I ordered a phone for Black Friday on November 27 for promotional cashback through Letyshops in Foxtrot. The phone was a gift, but not the point. I read the terms of accrual, made an order. They promised to deliver on 11/29, but in fact the goods were delivered in the evening of 11/30. Paid, took. Cashback amounted to almost 600 UAH. In addition, payment inside Foxtrot even used 300 bonuses when ordering, and I don’t remember where I got them from. I was alarmed that the order number in Foxtrot and in Letyshops did not match, which I reported to the care service. But I was told that it is always like this with Foxtrot, this is normal. On December 29, we accrued cashback, when I already started to think that nothing would work. In fact, the phone as a whole cost UAH 900. cheaper. Thanks to Letyshops for support, for feedback, for cashback. Well, thank you Foxtrot for your purchase. I'm happy with everything.

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Alexander, good afternoon!

Congratulations on your good purchase! Yes, indeed, we saved a lot;)
We are glad that you are with us!

LetyShops team

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