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Purchases at Allo UA with cashback in USA

(2.74) Average rating of the store
Reviews on Allo UA (149)
Waiting time for crediting cashback
Cashback will appear in your account with "Pending" status within 1 day
Cashback is confirmed and credited within 30 - 70 days
Information and conditions
0.5 %
Бренди Apple та Samsung у категоріях Смартфони / Мобільні телефони / Смарт Годинники / Планшети / Ноутбуки / Навушники
1.5 %
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Кешбек не нараховується за:

  • придбання подарункового сертифіката, скретч-картки поповнення рахунку, стартових пакетів та при використанні балів Fishka;
  • замовлення, зроблені в мобільному додатку Allo UA;
  • передзамовлення;
  • замовлення юридичних осіб;
  • замовлення, оплачені банківською карткою в період акції “Знижка 5% при оплаті карткою”;
  • за замовлення, оплачені карткою з функцією кешбеку (наприклад, Монобанк, ПриватБанк тощо). Ця умова діє на період промо Allo UA і даних банків;
  • замовлення з промокодами, не опублікованими на сайті LetyShops.


  • Кешбек може бути нарахований тільки одному партнеру Allo UA (або LetyShops, або Fishka тощо).
  • Для успішного нарахування кешбеку необхідно робити перехід з LetyShops перед кожним замовленням. 1 перехід - 1 замовлення.
  • При оплаті подарунковим сертифікатом або внутрішніми балами, кешбек буде нарахований від фактичної суми оплати.
  • Кешбек нараховується тільки за замовлення з регіонів, в які магазин доставляє замовлення.
  • Під час підтвердження замовлень буде відбуватись перерахунок кешбеку відповідно до брендів Apple та Samsung.

Reviews on Allo UA (149)

(2.74) Average rating of the store
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We want the feedback to be helpful to people who buy with the cashback in Letyshops.
Therefore, we publish only our customers' reviews.
Rama Bama

no cache ((

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Good day!

Thank you for your feedback. To help resolve this issue, we have created an appeal to the Customer Care Service from your personal account.

Please respond to the appeal. We will do our best to help.

LetyShops team

The review was translated from Russian using Google Translate.

Cashbacks for orders in Allo are not constantly displayed, more than 12 orders have already been made, and they are not displayed in the personal account of Letishop, although before everything was always normal, only made an order on the site already in the personal account there is an order, but right now there are no cashbacks at all no.

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Good afternoon, Fedor!

Thank you for your feedback. It really happens that cashback is not credited to the user's balance. Cashback is often lost due to the use of additional discounts, third-party extensions that can rewrite affiliate links and collect rewards for themselves, or violation of the store conditions.

Here are some recommendations to help you successfully get cashback on future purchases: https://letyshops.com/pravila

We respect our users and want customers to come back to us again and again. Fedor, so that we can analyze and understand what is the reason for the non-accrual of cashback on your orders, please leave a request through your personal account, section "Help".

We look forward to hearing from you.

Best wishes,
LetyShops team

The review was translated from Russian using Google Translate.
Вадим Фролов
I took the order, but the cashback was never credited. I understand (judging by the reviews) without the help of the cashback support service, do not wait.
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Weird store hello. Constant jambs with cashback. I took the product - there is no cashback.

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Good afternoon, Denis!

Thank you for your feedback. Unfortunately, loss of cashback happens and such situations are no less unpleasant for us.

Perhaps the reason for the loss is a violation of the shopping algorithm or the device from which orders were made. Some extensions, programs, viruses, can replace our affiliate link. Thus, the store considers that you came through a third-party link and does not charge us a fee.

In order to avoid losing cashback in the future and to resolve the issue of accrual, please leave an appeal from your personal account, through the "Help" section.

We will wait for the appeal. Have a good day!

LetyShops team

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Екатерина Матяш

The product came, but no cashback. I ordered it before the New Year!

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Thanks for your feedback. We are very sorry that this situation happened.

If you have any difficulty in calculating cashback, please write to us through the "Help" section of your personal account. We are interested in ensuring that the reward of our users is recorded successfully and are ready to help in any situation.

Feedback will be very grateful.

LetyShops team

The review was translated from Russian using Google Translate.

I read the reviews, did not believe it, it seems like a normal store. I ordered the goods, paid through the website, the cashback did not come, not only did they do it with the order (they sent the wrong thing), they also waited more than a week for the order.

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Thank you for your feedback. Let's face it, sometimes cashback is lost. The reason is often a violation of the shopping algorithm, the use of third-party discounts, coupons. The most important rule for getting a cashback is to activate cashback through an extension or a direct transition from our website to the store's website. If losses occur periodically, although everything was done correctly, there is a high probability that the reason is in the device. The fact is that some third-party extensions and even functions of antivirus programs can overwrite our affiliate link and take a reward for your order for themselves.

But we always try to help find the reason and, if possible, compensate for the cashback. To do this, please leave an appeal from your personal account, the "Help" section and specify the information about the lost order.

We will wait for an answer and will do our best to help. Have a nice day!

LetyShops team

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Славко Ясик
Everything is fine!
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These not good people, after sending the goods, rejected the order.
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Thank you for your feedback. It is a pity that this happened. Most likely, due to a technical error, the order status changed to declined. For our part, we turned to the store manager who is responsible for the cashback program and will try to figure out the situation. As soon as we receive an answer, the manager with whom you corresponded in the call will contact you and report the information received.

If you have any questions, please contact us, we will be happy to help. Have a good day!

LetyShops team

The review was translated from Russian using Google Translate.
I made an order on this site twice, but they subsequently rejected the cashback.
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Thanks for your feedback. We are sincerely sorry that you are faced with such a situation.

According to the data from your personal account, you have already turned to us for help in resolving this issue. We will try to help as quickly as possible. Also, it is very important for us to find out the exact reason for the rejection of the cashback, so we will contact our partners.

We hope that such unpleasant moments will not happen again and your orders will be successful.

Please contact if you have any questions or wishes. Good evening!

LetyShops team

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Петр Петрович
The consultants at ALLO are friendly, only there have already been 5 orders with cashback and they haven’t been counted automatically yet, ALLO writes that the order has been rejected. I had to contact the support service of Lety shops - thanks to them, they helped and decided in my favor.
The review was translated from Russian using Google Translate. Show original Show translation

Good day!

Thank you for your feedback. We are sincerely sorry that the cashback for orders declined. When a store declines a reward, an automatic rejection and cashback occurs. The reason for rejection may be - non-purchase / return of goods, violation of the purchase algorithm with cashback, use of other bonus programs when purchasing. Sometimes erroneous deviations occur.

We try to help as quickly as possible, so we solved the issue with the accrual from our own funds and only then sent a request to the partners.

If you have any questions and wishes regarding the work of our service, please contact. Have a good day!

LetyShops team

The review was translated from Russian using Google Translate.
KIDOK. Cashback was canceled. I bought a product. Sent by new mail. I have received the goods - I am using it. But the cashback was not confirmed. A trifle, but the sediment remained.
The review was translated from Russian using Google Translate. Show original Show translation
They canceled my order and created an order with a -1 prefix. Naturally, there will be no cashback. There is nothing in stock. Everything is on the suppliers, and most likely in China, after waiting 2 weeks, they told me that my order was at customs.
The review was translated from Russian using Google Translate. Show original Show translation
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You’re a bit late unfortunately :(
All cashback boosts for this store have been used already. Perhaps they will appear again later. But you still can find such boosts in other stores.
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