Casta is simply top. Premium for a year for pennies, free delivery to NP. Now I order everything there: clothes, detergents, bedding. Cashback never works and in no way. I don't even create tickets every time, I'm lazy. I hope to fix it over time
Thank you for applying.
We contacted our partners to understand the situation.
Next time, please record a video of the purchase and submit it in the "Help" section. This will help us in finding the reason for the loss of cashback.
Have a nice and peaceful day!
I don't understand why the cashback is credited every other time... I can make two orders in one day, but I always go through Letyshops again and do everything according to the rules, always through the site, and the Lety extension is there, but still something is wrong ...
Good afternoon, Natalia!
We have sent a request to our partners to verify the reason for its loss.
In order for it to be fixed successfully in the future, follow our rules as much as possible and always pay attention to the features of the store.
Have a calm day!
I see something, they waved at me: the product costs 1211 in the caste application, and the same one on the website through the Lety application is 1283
Good day!
We cannot influence the price difference between the website and the store app.
Caste posto is terrible. Out of a dozen orders, only the first cashback came. And then everything is somewhere. Lettyshops will calculate the cashback itself - thanks for your concern, but Casta is like a black hole.
Good day!
Thank you for creating an application. We have contacted our partners and will try to return the cashback. The answer comes within 4 months.
Record the process of your next purchase on video and send this video to our support. We may be able to spot the reason for the loss of cashback.
In touch!
I do not recommend buying from Kasta if you count on cashback through LetyShops. The store does not accrue bonuses if you switch from LetyShops to the Kasta mobile application - this is not openly warned, and the cashback is simply not counted. Little things, but unpleasant... There are many other friendly stores that honestly charge cashback for shopping through LetyShops. Consider this before choosing a shopping platform.
Good day!
We always warn about this and other conditions on the store page.
Please read them before making a purchase.
Have a nice day!
It goes to the store, but not to the application.
Good day!
Cashback is not charged for orders made in the Kasta UA mobile application.
The store does not confirm the order, Latishops itself gives the bonus. I follow the store's recommendations for calculating cashback.
Elena, good day!
Thank you for being responsible for shopping with the service :)
We do not cooperate with the store directly, but through partners. We sent them a request and we are waiting for a response, crediting you with a bonus from the service.
We believe that the situation will not repeat itself, and future purchases will be recorded.
The LetyShops team
Of the seven orders on Caste via cashback, only one was confirmed. The rest - I had to submit an application confirming the order. Two have been confirmed, and the rest I am waiting for, although all deadlines have passed. Of all the stores where I shop, Caste is the worst. This is despite the fact that I have been a customer of this online store for more than ten years.
We are also interested in keeping the cashback fixed. We advise you to follow the recommendations for this.
Thank you for applying for cashback. This way we will be able to contact our partners to find out the reasons for non-accrual. The inquiries that are being clarified were submitted by you on December 28, 31, and January 2. The maximum processing time is 4 months, but most applications are processed much faster.
Please follow the process in your account, and if you have any questions, we are always happy to answer in the "Help" section :)
The LetyShops team