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Purchases at Allo UA with cashback in your country

(2.74) Average rating of the store
Reviews on Allo UA (141)
Waiting time for crediting cashback
Cashback will appear in your account with "Pending" status within 1 day
Cashback is confirmed and credited within 30 - 70 days
Information and conditions
0.5 %
Бренди Apple та Samsung у категоріях Смартфони / Мобільні телефони / Смарт Годинники / Планшети / Ноутбуки / Навушники
1.5 %
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Кешбек не нараховується за:

  • придбання подарункового сертифіката, скретч-картки поповнення рахунку, стартових пакетів та при використанні балів Fishka;
  • замовлення, зроблені в мобільному додатку Allo UA;
  • передзамовлення;
  • замовлення юридичних осіб;
  • замовлення, оплачені банківською карткою в період акції “Знижка 5% при оплаті карткою”;
  • за замовлення, оплачені карткою з функцією кешбеку (наприклад, Монобанк, ПриватБанк тощо). Ця умова діє на період промо Allo UA і даних банків;
  • замовлення з промокодами, не опублікованими на сайті LetyShops.


  • Кешбек може бути нарахований тільки одному партнеру Allo UA (або LetyShops, або Fishka тощо).
  • Для успішного нарахування кешбеку необхідно робити перехід з LetyShops перед кожним замовленням. 1 перехід - 1 замовлення.
  • При оплаті подарунковим сертифікатом або внутрішніми балами, кешбек буде нарахований від фактичної суми оплати.
  • Кешбек нараховується тільки за замовлення з регіонів, в які магазин доставляє замовлення.
  • Під час підтвердження замовлень буде відбуватись перерахунок кешбеку відповідно до брендів Apple та Samsung.

Reviews on Allo UA (141)

(2.74) Average rating of the store
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We want the feedback to be helpful to people who buy with the cashback in Letyshops.
Therefore, we publish only our customers' reviews.
Everything is great!
The review was translated from Ukrainian using Google Translate. Show original Show translation

Does the increased cashback apply to Apple products? Because for other stores, the conditions state that there is 0.5-1%, but here it is not stated in the conditions. Thank you for the answer

The review was translated from Ukrainian using Google Translate. Show original Show translation


Yes, it spreads.

We wish you a successful shopping!

The review was translated from Ukrainian using Google Translate.
Вадим Олександрович
I ordered a table lamp on 14.10. Everything according to the instructions. Cashback was confirmed and charged in the amount of UAH 29.99 exactly one month after the order.
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No. 302441859 Received on 10/16/2023 I was not charged cashback, but just dropped 899 UAH! I DID NOT USE THE CHIP!!!! Allo automatically adds it to the check when the product is issued!

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Good day.

I apologize for the inconvenience caused. Your feedback has been forwarded to our specialists for careful analysis and further action in order to improve the quality of our services. We will check the information and contact you. Thank you for your feedback.

Sincerely, Alexander
ALLO Customer Care Department

The review was translated from Ukrainian using Google Translate.
Олександр Колєснік
Good store
The review was translated from Ukrainian using Google Translate. Show original Show translation

I bought a smartphone in September 2023, the cashback was increased and without problems. In October, I bought a combined cooking surface, and the cashback was not accrued, for the reason that bonuses were accrued on the chip (but I do not use it). Latishops helped to solve the problem and added cashback to the account!

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Always ready to help!

The review was translated from Ukrainian using Google Translate.

For purchasing a certificate from Allo (according to accounting, this is a real non-refundable advance to the store) - Allo does not award cashback. And what’s most interesting is that when paying with a certificate for an order (essentially an advance payment), cashback is also not credited, as I discovered on 10/17/23 when paying for an order with a certificate on the Hello website. Although Allo received the money and even in advance, cashback does not consider it necessary to pay for it.

Hello does not include payment with a certificate (which is essentially an advance payment offset) in cashback. The purchase of the certificate itself (which is an advance payment) is also excluded from cashback on Allo.

The review was translated from Ukrainian using Google Translate. Show original Show translation
Good day! These are the conditions of the store, so we indicated it on the store page. The LetyShops team
The review was translated from Ukrainian using Google Translate.
Ordered a phone. Everything according to the instructions. Cashback 430 hryvnias. confirmed
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I ordered a kettle, the delivery was postponed 2 times, and I called myself the first time. They wanted to postpone it for the third time, she refused. There is always no product, why display it. Therefore, bonuses are not accrued. I do not recommend the store.

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Good day.

I apologize for the inconvenience caused. Your feedback has been forwarded to our specialists for careful analysis and further action in order to improve the quality of our services. We will check the information and contact you.
Thank you for your feedback.

Sincerely, Alexander
ALLO Customer Care Department

The review was translated from Ukrainian using Google Translate.
Олег Федько
Do everything according to the instructions and everything will be returned. UAH 720 arrived even less than a month later.
The review was translated from Ukrainian using Google Translate. Show original Show translation

I ordered a product with an increased cashback of 7.5 percent, I specifically chose allo because I expected to receive a significant cashback. In the store, he said that he did not want to use the chip. I came home and received a notification that I have chip points in reserve. With this attitude, the desire to buy in the future does not arise.

The review was translated from Ukrainian using Google Translate. Show original Show translation

Good day.

I apologize for the inconvenience caused. Your feedback has been forwarded to our specialists for careful analysis and further action in order to improve the quality of our services. We will check the information and contact you. Thank you for your feedback.

Sincerely, Alexander
ALLO Customer Care Department

The review was translated from Ukrainian using Google Translate.

Regarding the review dated September 22, 2023 and the response to it from the ALLO company: “Good afternoon. We offer punishment for incompetence. We will contact you by telephone. Hello company Hello" (09/25/2023). On September 23, 2023, he additionally provided ALLO employees with a communication method via a chatbot in Viber. After 10 days, there was NOT A SINGLE attempt on the part of the ALLO company to contact us. Therefore, we can say with complete confidence that the NO attitude towards the client on the part of the ALLO company described in the review dated 09/22/2023 is a systematic and centrally approved negative phenomenon within the company, and the response to our review dated 09/22/2023 was left by representatives of the ALLO company “FOR CHECKS” ", in order to make the appearance of positive movements towards clients.

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Good day!

This information has been passed on to partners.

The review was translated from Ukrainian using Google Translate.
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