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Purchases at Silpo UA with cashback in Czechia

(4.02) Average rating of the store
Reviews on Silpo UA (56)
Waiting time for crediting cashback
Cashback will appear in your account with "Pending" status within 1 day
Cashback is confirmed and credited within 30 - 60 days
  • Мінімальна сума замовлення для отримання кешбеку - 100 грн.
  • Максимальна сума кешбеку за одне замовлення - 75 грн (без врахування програм лояльності LetyShops та Гарячого кешбеку).
  • Кешбек не нараховується за замовлення, зроблені в мобільному додатку Silpo UA.
  • Кешбек не нараховується за покупку подарункового сертифіката.
  • При оплаті подарунковим сертифікатом або внутрішніми балами, кешбек буде нарахований від фактичної суми оплати.

Reviews on Silpo UA (56)

(4.02) Average rating of the store
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Alina Hryshyna
was waiting for this
The review was translated from Ukrainian using Google Translate. Show original Show translation
Finally, very pleased with the appearance of Silpo :) Ordered three times already - cashback always appears within 10 minutes after ordering
The review was translated from Ukrainian using Google Translate. Show original Show translation
Oleksii Subbotin
Thank you!!!
The review was translated from Ukrainian using Google Translate. Show original Show translation
Last Omen

Special thanks for Silpo, I use their delivery on an ongoing basis.

The review was translated from Ukrainian using Google Translate. Show original Show translation

Yes, finally)

The review was translated from Ukrainian using Google Translate. Show original Show translation
Діонісій Старцун
The review was translated from Ukrainian using Google Translate. Show original Show translation
Hooray!!! My favorite supermarket))
The review was translated from Ukrainian using Google Translate. Show original Show translation
waited :)
The review was translated from Ukrainian using Google Translate. Show original Show translation
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You’re a bit late unfortunately :(
All cashback boosts for this store have been used already. Perhaps they will appear again later. But you still can find such boosts in other stores.
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