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Purchases at Alibaba with cashback in Canada

(2.63) Average rating of the store
Reviews on Alibaba (68)
Waiting time for crediting cashback
Cashback will appear in your account with "Pending" status within 2 days
Cashback is confirmed and credited within 90 - 220 days
  • Cashback is credited only for purchases made in the "Ready to ship" category.
  • For cashback to be credited, please place an order using the "Start Order" button and pay for it right after that.
  • Cashback may be displayed with a delay up to 2 days.
  • Cashback is not credited for orders with a cart value over 1,000 USD. But users can make several orders, so that the cart value of each one does not exceed 1,000 USD.
  • Cashback is credited only for the article's net value excluding the value-added tax, all other taxes and fees as well as additional costs for delivery and shipping.
  • Cashback amount credited to your account balance may vary from amount displayed before. This is caused by conversion of rates between the shop's and your account's currencies.
Cashback is not credited:
  • for the orders made via the supplier's link ("Contact Supplier");
  • in case of using the store's mobile app;
  • for the following categories: "Protective equipment > Medical and other protective equipment > Masks and respirators" and "Health & Medical > Medical consumables";
  • for orders made from or sent to China;
  • for virtual products (including gift cards, coupons, etc.)

Reviews on Alibaba (68)

(2.63) Average rating of the store
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We want the feedback to be helpful to people who buy with the cashback in Letyshops.
Therefore, we publish only our customers' reviews.
Cashback works. With regular suppliers, first in the mode of correspondence, we agree on the price of the product and the price of delivery. Then, through the Start order button, we create the order ourselves, if the seller needs to make changes to the order, this does not affect the cashback. After payment, cashback is already visible in your account within 24 hours. Last charges: 01.07 - 696 $ - 651.48 UAH. 01.07 - 1242 $ - 1 162.55 UAH 14.07 - 324 $ - 308.06 UAH 04.08 - 1032 $ - 1 004.70 UAH 04.08 - 582 $ - 566.61 UAH
The review was translated from Russian using Google Translate. Show original Show translation

Apparently, Letyshops employees do not understand how the Alibaba platform works, indicating that cashback is not credited "for orders placed through the Contact Supplier button. , on Alibaba, many sellers do not set the ability to start an order by clicking the Start Order button at all, and if there is such an opportunity, then the real price will differ from that indicated by the seller in 100% of cases, either in a higher, as a rule, or in a lower direction , moreover, the obligation to sell at the price indicated on the page does not in any way oblige Alibaba to the seller. Therefore, the real option to buy something on Alibaba is to negotiate a price with the seller (and many of them do not go to pay through alibaba pay at all, since payment rates through it are high), and, as a result of negotiations, the seller will set you invoice for payment, which will be located in your "Orders" section. But in this case, Letyshops cashback is not credited, even when you go to the order page and pay for it from the Letyshops page. In this case, I believe that the Letyshops site, it would be more honest, not to mislead its users that they have cashback from Alibaba, and not to come up with conditions incompatible with the purchase, since, with the restrictions now established, users will never receive their cashback , and will write their negative reviews.

The review was translated from Russian using Google Translate. Show original Show translation

Vyacheslav, good afternoon!

All conditions that are published on the page when you go to the store are the conditions of partners. Only if they are observed, cashback is credited.
We conduct test orders to analyze the entire stage of placing an order with cashback. You can always choose for yourself the most convenient and profitable option for making a purchase (completely independently through the Start Order button or by contacting the seller).

LetyShops team

The review was translated from Russian using Google Translate.

It does not work. I have 2 purchases, one for $ 1,350 usd and another for $ 406 usd. The platform does not register any purchases and everything was done as letyshops indicates. Lousy customer service, they don't respond when you open a case.

The review was translated from Spanish using Google Translate. Show original Show translation

Good afternoon.

We are very sorry for waiting for a response. The advisor will respond to you in the short term.

LetyShops team

The review was translated from Spanish using Google Translate.

It is useless, I have made several purchases of large and small amounts with the terms that they suggest and nothing credited me only one purchase and on the rest I must wait 6 months for them to respond to me.

The review was translated from Spanish using Google Translate. Show original Show translation


We have contacted our partners to understand the reasons for the loss of your cashback. Unfortunately, we are unable to expedite the process. As soon as we receive the response, the manager will notify you.
We look forward.

LetyShops team

The review was translated from Spanish using Google Translate.

I always have a cashback from Aliexpress. I do the same for Alibaba and there is never any cashback

The review was translated from Ukrainian using Google Translate. Show original Show translation


Yuri, we see that an appeal to the care service has already been created to resolve the issue. The manager will help to understand the reasons for the loss of cashback when ordering from Alibaba.

the LetyShops team

The review was translated from Ukrainian using Google Translate.
Arman Malunts

Беру ниже перечисленные слова обратно. НО есть один важный нюанс. Служба поддержки Летишопс недостаточно четко и ясно объясняет проблему. Сегодня в итоге все заработало.


Добрый день!

Спасибо за обратную связь. Рады, что удалось прояснить ситуацию :) Работаем над более развернутыми ответами пользователям.

С уважением,
команда LetyShops

Arman Malunts

Корректировка отзыва - раннее написал что пробовал по ссылке продавца, но так же пробовал по инстукции Летишопс - переход через сайт на алибаба, с активным рассширением. Кэшбэк не начисляется. Им наплевать. Я снимал детальное видео как это делаю ответ: "К сожалению, причиной не появления кэшбэка является то, что совершение заказа и оплата были произведены в разных браузерных сессиях." WTF - почему все работает в Алиэкспресс тогда? Разные сесии, недумаю - короче чушь!!! "Чтобы получить кэшбэк, необходимо оформить заказ после активации кэшбэка и сразу его оплатить. Чтобы понравившийся товар не потерялся, вы можете добавлять его в мои пожелания." Непрофессионализм Летишопс - Алибаба не работает как стандартный магаин - "Чтобы понравившийся товар не потерялся, вы можете добавлять его в мои пожелания." Если там добавить товар, то тем не менее надо оформить заказ, невозможно стазу оплатить. Итог - есть проблема с Алиаба и Летишопс наплевать. Видимо у них есть стабильный трафик и кэшбэк с других клиентов и особо не заморачиваются с теми у который проблемы.


Добрый день, Арман!

Каждое обращение в службу заботы важное для нас. Всегда стараемся разобраться в ситуации детально. Поверьте, нам не все равно, ведь заинтересованы, чтобы пользователи получали выгоду от использования сервиса.

Благодарны, что вы выделили время и отправили видео. Технический отдел проанализировал его. Оформлять и оплачивать заказ в Alibaba нужно в рамках одной браузерной сессии. Если совершить переход лишь перед оплатой товара, то кэшбэк в таком случае не будет начислен.
На сайте магазина есть два варианта совершения заказа:
1. Contact Supplier - это значит, что этот товар можно заказать только через контакт с продавцом (формировать покупку для вас будет он). В таком случае кэшбэк не начисляется.
2. Start Order - купить сейчас. В случае такого оформления заказа вы сами сразу формируете его и оплачиваете. При таком алгоритме кэшбэк будет.

Понимаем, что вы огорчены. Старались предоставить максимум информации в обращении. Верим, что советы менеджера пригодятся, а будущие покупки автоматически отобразятся в личном кабинете :)

С уважением,
команда LetyShops


At first everything was great, but then they refused to pay the cashback which reached more than 100 dollars, when asked why, they say you have to wait 6 weeks for answers from partners, a week ago I made an order, the cashback did not even appear, and again they say you have to wait 6 Now I need to place an order and will look for some other service

The review was translated from Ukrainian using Google Translate. Show original Show translation


We understand that you are dissatisfied with this situation. We are also interested in automatic cashback.

Indeed, we turned to partners to find out why the purchase data did not appear in the system. Please wait. For our part, we will keep the request under control.

the LetyShops team

The review was translated from Ukrainian using Google Translate.

Not Alibabe, but LetyShops. They simply don't pay cashback. I paid for orders back in August-September !! 2019. Provided screenshots from the account, which confirm the shipment of goods and a successful transaction. For half a year they have been feeding me tales about the fact that they did not receive any information from partners and, on the basis of this, do not pay cashback, although the rules for working with an alibaba indicate that the maximum payment period is 120 days. (they increased it too - it was 90)

The review was translated from Russian using Google Translate. Show original Show translation

Dmitry, good afternoon!

We are sorry for the wait.
We are honest with you. The process of crediting cashback is exactly the same as described by the manager in circulation. It goes to the balance after the transfer of information and commission by partners. This has not happened yet, so we are waiting with you.
There is no way to credit the amount from the company's funds. Please, let's wait a little longer. Contact at the control and we will definitely contact you. Hope for understanding.

LetyShops team

The review was translated from Russian using Google Translate.
Arman Malunts

Сначало все работало. Потом бабах и все, ничего. Каждый день покупаю на Алибаба и в каждый день соблюдаю все правила, ничего, кэшбэк не появляется. Администрация твердит одно и тоже - соблюдайте правило и все поработает. К сожалению не работает и все. Я несколько раз переустановил плагин, потом удалили другие плагины, пробовал - по ссылке продавца, по ссылке что приходит на почту, прямые переходы из летишопс в алибаба. Ниечего не работает. А ведь в самом начале все работало...


Здравствуйте, Арман!

Проверили информацию в обращении. Видим, что перед совершением заказа не было перехода. В таком случае кэшбэк не может отобразиться, так как партнеры не видят, что вы пришли от нас. Также хотим обратить внимание, что кэшбэк в Alibaba не зачисляется при переходе по ссылке продавца. Эта информация опубликована на странице перехода. Для успешного зачисления кэшбэка не забывайте обращать внимание на условия магазина и следовать всем правилам покупок.

С уважением,
команда LetyShops

People in most cases write only the negative side, forgetting to write about the positive. Everything is accrued normally, patience is needed, and not waiting for the deadline to panic and write negative.
The review was translated from Russian using Google Translate. Show original Show translation

4 orders for Alibaba and all without cashback. Both from the mobile version and from a computer, observing all conditions. Letty considers 1.5 months of contact, waiting for a payment response from Alibaba, in the end they do not answer, Letty kindly compensates 750r for the inconveniences from her own funds, but when the cashback should be 7000 from each order, you clearly feel thrown. Don't mess with Alibaba here, sheer disappointment.

The review was translated from Russian using Google Translate. Show original Show translation

Good day!

We understand how unpleasant it is to lose cashback. Believe me, we are also interested in having it fixed. We are working to improve communication with partners and speed up the process of considering an appeal in the care service.

LetyShops team

The review was translated from Russian using Google Translate.
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