Кешбек не нарахується або буде відхилений за:
- замовлення, оплачені карткою Монобанк. Ця умова діє на період промо Sushi Master UA і даного банку;
- замовлення з промокодами, не опублікованими на сайті LetyShops;
- замовлення з міст: Луцьк, Кам'янець-Подільський, Черкаси та Хмельницький.
I didn't receive my order in three hours, I won't order from here again
There may have been an error. In this case, we recommend contacting the service directly.
Ordered from Khmelnytskyi, the cashback did not arrive, only later found out that the city is not included in the list.
Good day!
Yes, the partners provided the conditions under which the reward is credited.
I would very much like that on this site cashback would also be calculated for orders from the city of Khmelnytskyi, otherwise it is somehow not fair, Khmelnytskyi, why can't it be the same as Kyiv?? if the network provides cashback in some cities and not in others, then this is at least disrespectful to customers from those cities that are denied cashback.
Love, good day!
Thank you for your wish.
We will try to pass it on to our partners.
The LetyShops team
Which time I make an order and again they do not charge cashback. Fly patiently seeks and accrues. Even if the store does not confirm. Thank you!
Good day!
Before making a purchase, we advise you to familiarize yourself with the conditions of the store and the rules for making purchases with cashback. If you have other extensions installed in your browser, you need to disable them.
If there are any questions, we are always happy to help you understand in the "Help" section of the account.
The LetyShops team
Javelin set was placed on 17.02.23. I did not receive cashback, the set was not tasty, a lot of rice and not enough fish. In the role of Philadelphia, a thin layer of fish. The quality is not very good to be honest.
Good day!
We recommend contacting Sushi Master UA support and leaving feedback. We are sure that your opinion is important to the store.
To solve the issue with uncredited cashback, you need to create an application in your personal account, in the "My Cashback" section, by filling out the form. We'll get back to you in the Help section.
The LetyShops team