I like the service very much. On the part of LetyShops, no shoals were noticed, and the care service is generally something. I recommend everyone to use the LetyShops cashback, for all the time I have earned around 2500 rubles, which is generally not a lot, but still nice. Cashback is charged quickly, and even if there is some glitch and there is no cashback, they will still make concessions and give you cashback.
The service suits me, there are no annoying reminders outside of sites with cashback, a convenient reminder is an extension. Cashback helps out when you are a student and there is no food in the fridge, and you freely withdraw money on the card and go for a stick of sausage and a loaf of bread)) + pranks due to the fact that Letishops are promoting themselves are also cool. Not some deshman gifts, but serious pc for bulky tasks. I highly recommend it.
Fine. I'm happy.